Business Property

Property Insurance

It’s impossible to know what the future might bring. But with Fee's help, you can help protect yourself against loss if your business property is damaged or destroyed – whether you’re a long-established firm, or a growing start-up. 

Fee’s more than 100 years of experience allows us to use our experience when listening to the needs of any industry – and our dedicated team will help you find the plan you want. From the sign out front to your valuable inventory, Fee can recommend property insurance to minimize loss and get you back to business after a storm, fire, or other disaster.

>  What does Property Insurance Do?

  • Can help protect buildings, equipment, and other property owned by your business, excluding autos.

  • Covers losses and damage due to fire, storms, theft, accidents, and other covered catastrophes that interrupts your business.


>  Tips for Renewing Your Business Insurance

  1. Review Your Needs – As your business grows and changes, so does your need for coverage. Be sure to take a look at the coverages that go along with that. Look at your net worth, and then look at your liabilities and the equipment you may have purchased as you’ve grown. 

  2. Cover Your Data – Data breaches and cyber hacks are a growing problem. Your information is one of the most important assets you have; check to make sure you have coverage should a hack occur.

  3. Determine Replacement Value – Regularly checking on the value of the equipment you own is a very important tool in choosing to buy more or less coverage, based on what your actual needs are. 

  4. Cover Your Property – Make sure all your property is covered. Whether you own or rent, having your property covered, and covered the way you want, is critical to the success of your business.